Monday, January 21, 2013

Letter 1/21/13

Wow. What a week full of miracles and incredible experiences. It was seriously one of the most incredible weekends of my mission. First off, It's been good being companions with Elder Doyel. I'm training him as a zone leader which is surprisingly not easy. You have a lot of the weight of the entire zone on your shoulders. Presidente Lanius has been putting more and more weight on the shoulders of the Zone Leaders, especially when it comes to baptisms. I'm teaching him everything I know about being a's exhausting, but it's fun to take a step back and see how much I've learned over the past 18 months. Elder Doyel was sick on Wednesday, so we got stuck in our apartment for the day (you can bet it was spotless after the day was through!). 

First miracle is Marcos. Last week, while walking to an appointment, a rather large hefty man flagged us down. We stopped and turned around to speak with him to find that he wanted to give us 10 reais to go and treat ourselves to a snack. I tried explaining to him that he didn't need to give us money and that we already have funds to buy food and whatnot. He insisted, saying that he felt prompted to help us out as he saw us walking by. I told him that if he really wanted to help us, he would let us teach him. He didn't have it. I then asked if he knew someone else we could teaching. He told us that we could visit his brother. We wrote down his address and paid him a visit. That was when we found Marcos. He told us that he was baptized 20 years ago, but had since fallen away from the church because of word of wisdom problems. He told us that he learned the hard way that the Gospel really is true. He said that in the end of 2012, he told God that he wanted 2013 to be a different year. He wanted to change his life. 2 weeks later, his brother felt inspired to give two young men 10 reais to buy a salgadinho, but ended up instead sending us to his brother in need....coincidence? Not a chance. He showed up sunday morning at church and loved church. He sat down with the bishop and made goals with him. Wow. What a miracle. I wonder what it's like for you guys on the other side to read a story like this without knowing or meeting these people....I feel bad for you guys at times. Words on a screen don't do it justice. It's soo good to see these things first hand. There isn't a better feeling, like President Monson once said, than knowing that you served as a tool in the hands of the Lord to answer someone's prayers. 

The other miracle is Ana! She was finally baptized! Boy, what a special baptism this was for me. It's been about 3 months since I started teaching her. I passed through 3 companions during that looks like the Lord wanted me to see this baptism through. Her story truly was a conversion story. She overcame so many obstacles and challenges, many of which came from within her own family. I saw the light of the Gospel turn on inside of her and increase in brightness with time. It was a very special experience for me. We had her wedding friday night. We had a chaotic week working out her wedding process (marriage is super complicated legal process here in's a no wonder there are so many people that don't even bother with it). There were several miracles that came through that made her wedding possible (in a few months, you can get the deets....just know that the Lord set up the stage so that every little detail worked right to open the door for her marriage). There were a ton of her friends at the wedding. Nothing better than a chapel full of people that aren't baptized (yet!). Many commented at how good they felt during the baptismal service. It was a very special experience for sure. I said to Elder Doyel "Elder, everything went right this week....this never happens!" Seriously, I almost had to pinch myself.

I'm very grateful for every single experience that the Lord permits me to have as a missionary. I cherish my mission. I cherish the things I've learned. My journals are like gold to me. The records and thoughts and feelings that I've had here are priceless to me. I'm so grateful for everything the Lord has given to me. When everything goes right, we have the opportunity to be thankful and humble. That is our task and duty. It really is a great day to represent Jesus Christ!

Until next time, 

-Elder McKinley

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