Monday, September 5, 2011

Letter from Mission President in Alabama Regarding Weather

All is well!

We have flash flood warnings and a few tornado watches this morning (I have been talking with missionaries in these areas since 5:30 am and will keep in touch with them). Remember, "No news is good news from the mission!" is always the rule. If there is a problem, you will hear from me ASAP. So enjoy the day and sleep well at night. However, at other times, I may give you a call to keep you posted so do not go into shock if you see my number on your phone screen.

We welcomed six new visa missionaries to the mission and one senior couple on Friday. We held a mini-transfer meeting at the mission office on Saturday (six new visa missionaries are like a domino--several companionships were changed). The new visa missionaries and those changed are in their assigned areas this morning. Because it is a national holiday in the United States, some missionaries will not e-mail today (some will).

Please keep updated through our blog (with photographs, news, and weather updates):

If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me.

President Holzapfel
Alabama Birmingham Mission

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