Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Elder McKinley had his mission farewell on Sunday, June 26, 2011. Lots of friends and family turned out for the farewell in church as well as the open house later that evening. Mike gave a very inspirational farewell address where he referenced the Apostle Paul often and gave a tribute to each family member. None of us will ever forget it! In his closing remarks, Bishop Johanssen referred to Mike as "Captain Mike Moroni" and referenced the following scripture:
"Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men." -Alma 48:17
Pretty accurate description of the type of missionary Mike will be

Uncle Mike has lots of little fans who want to be just like him

The Cottrells

The Wollesens

The Foxes (+1)

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