Monday, September 10, 2012

Letter 9/10/12

Wow! What a week! When you're running full speed, it kind of hits you pretty good in the stomach when the transfer call comes up. I was expecting to be transferred, so it wasn't too much of a surprise, but I left Abreu e Lima on a high note. I know that I did everything that the Lord wanted me to in that area. Let me give a highlight of the happenings of the week.

On Tuesday, we went to a funeral for a kid who we had been trying to help come back to church. His name is Yan. He is 18, and was always coming to church off and on. Saturday night, we saw him on his motorcycle and invited him to church. He said he would do his best to be there. Monday night, he was killed when a big rig ran him over on a freeway overpass (motorcycles are stupid). There were a TON of people at his funeral at the chapel. It was sad. Everyone was crying. The worst part is that he really wasn't prepared for his parting of this world. I think it was a wake up call for the members and non members of the community just how important it is to heed Alma's counsel (Alma 5:27-28). 

27 Have ye walked, keeping yourselves blameless before God? Could ye say, if ye were called to die at this time, within yourselves, that ye have been sufficiently humble? That your garments have been cleansed and made white through the blood of Christ, who will come to redeem his people from their sins?

 28 Behold, are ye stripped of pride? I say unto you, if ye are not ye are not prepared to meet God. Behold ye must prepare quickly; for the kingdom of heaven is soon at hand, and such an one hath not eternal life.

We found some AWESOME investigators this week. We have really been able to fine tune our spiritual sensitivity lately. I've seen several instances where we pray to know where we should go to make contacts or knock doors, and we end up finding someone to teach, and frequently baptize. We taught a lady named Waslane (Waz-lin-y) on her doorstep. When we came back the next day, her husband was there waiting for us. He ate up the message. He told me that he has always searched for a church that teaches about and has modern revelation. BINGO. Ah I love experiences like this! (I know that I always say that but it's sooo goood!) Waslane went to church on Sunday and loved it. Her husband, Pedro, had to work, but said that he'll go next week! Btw, they're legally married!!! 
At church, a lady named Neide (Nay-dge) showed up at church (by herself). Her story is a long one, but a miracle. In short, she met and worked as a cook and house maid for a lady who is a member of the church. She was always impressed by the example of that lady and her 3 sons, who were all strong members of the church. She received a Book of Mormon, and was invited to visit the church. She ended up moving before she was able to visit the church, but landed in Abreu e Lima....where you might ask? In front of the church of course!! She LOVED church. She said that she had a dream the night before that she walked in and saw the chapel. She even remembered the numbers of the hymns from her dream. When she showed up to church Sunday morning and saw everything exactly as she saw in her dream, she just about freaked out. She was shaking as she told us the story later that night. She said that she knows that it is the true church of Christ on the church. It was a cool experience. 
We baptized Raquel this week. She's only11, but her baptism was no ordinary child baptism. We had a miracle in convincing her, then her grandma, then her father, then some lady of the Baptist church that Baptism in the Church of Jesus Christ really is the right thing to do. It was a miracle. Words don't describe what we went through to help her enter into the church (Irmã Elisiaria is taking care of her getting to and from church). It was a huge victory for us, but more importantly, for the Lord. 
We taught another guy named Cleiton, whose drunk dad tried to frustrate our lesson, but with patience and a little help from the Lord, we were able to teach about the restoration. Boy was he sincere. He told us how much he worries about his family and the impact that his "father" is having in them. He said after we taught him the restoration, "I was already prepared to accept this church....I just needed to know about it". He's got a lot of potential to serve a mission still. 
The hardest part about all of these miracles is that I won't be around to see these people progress. I found out Sunday night that I was transferred. It made me sad and uncertain about a few things, but at the same time, it was a moment to exercise my faith that the Lord has everything under control. I can't begin to describe with words how much my time in Abreu e Lima has meant to me. My mission and my life changed in this area. I love this city. I love these people; the members, the nonmembers, and the people I haven't even met yet. It really is the pure love of Christ that we get to taste as a missionary. 
I was transferred to Jardim São Paulo (literally means Saint Paul Garden), which is a little bit to the southwest of Recife. It's close to my first area, IPSEP. My new companion is Elder Jubitz, from Hood River, Oregon (An American!). He's got about six months left of his mission. We are serving as zone leaders here in the Jardim São Paulo Zone, which was recently expanded to include 18 missionaries, which was the same size as the zone in Abreu e Lima. It's a bit of a juggle taking care of a zone with so many missionaries, but I have learned so much from my past experiences, and I am confident that the Lord will continue to instruct me and help me to learn and grow. I am happy that I will be able to take and apply all of the things I learned in Abreu and my other areas and use them here. I trust that the Lord really will make "all things shall work together for my good"(D&C 90:24) as I seek to serve him with all of my heart, mind, might, and strength!
Until next time,
-Elder McKinley

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