Thursday, April 12, 2012

Letter 4/9/12

Well I want to start off apologizing to everyone....Reflecting back on my emails, I realize that I talk alotttt (and possibly even whine) about my companions. I feel at times that I've let that distract me from the important things about this work. I've wondered at times if this is how a mission is supposed to be....feeling lost and caught up in things other than helping others to come unto Christ. Regardless, I am sticking through all of this, and constantly trying to keep myself focused in the things that matter the most.

I want to write more about the experiences that I've been having with the people that we are teaching and the blessings that have been raining down upon us. We are planning to baptize 5 people this coming week! We are super excited. Xavier and Branca are marked to get married and baptized together Friday night! What a blessing it will be for them and for their family. They have been waiting for almost 2 months to get married (it's complicated in Brazil). They are so excited. It's really easy to see as they sit in church every sunday. We are going to Tijipió (Tee-jip-i-o) tomorrow (about a two hour trip) to get their marriage papers. Should be a fun journey. The ward is pulling together to have a wedding ceremony for them too.

We are planning to baptize Junior and Babi too....they both have boyfriends/girlfriends that are members of the church, and we are hoping to baptize them Friday night as well. Should be a pretty fun week here!

I had some other things that I had written down to write home about, but the "what matters most" subject is lingering on my mind. I want to bear my testimony. This past week, I had a chance to give a talk about the Atonement in Sacrament meeting. I had the privilege to testify of the Savior's sacrifice for us. I know that Jesus Christ really is our SAVIOR. He was willing to suffer for the mistakes, jokes, dumb ideas, rude comments, ugly tendencies, and bad habits that I have because he loves me. I don't understand why He did this for me. It's hard, with our limited mortal understanding, to understand a motive like that. I know that everything that I do to try and repay the Savior and my heavenly father is like try to part the Red Sea by throwing a pebble in it. I feel sooo insignificant, and so grateful for everything that I can receive because of the Savior's sacrifice for me. I know that God has a part in everyone of our lives, and that he is willing to come very, very close to us, if we will only let him. I hate how words can't do justice to the grace and wonders of this subject. Everything I do here....Everything......I do because I know that I can in some way or another try and show my appreciation for Jesus Christ's sacrifice for me. I love all of you so much, but especially my family. What a blessing it is to be here as a missionary, representing them, and my Redeeming. Jesus Christ lives. He cares for us. He did the will of his Father. I am trying to do the same, and I can only hope that the Lord will strengthen and bear me up during these 2 precious years of my life.

Until next time,

Elder McKinley

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